Paste has premiered another tune, "Bad Idea?," off the new Maria Taylor release, Overlook, out today via Saddle Creek. Check it out below, along with some upcoming tour dates.
[MP3] Maria Taylor - Bad Idea?
Tour Dates
10.12.11 at Chelsea's (Baton Rouge, LA)
10.14.11 at Mohawk (Austin, TX)
10.17.11 at Crescent (Phoeniz, AZ)
10.18.11 at Casbah (San Diego, CA)
10.20.11 at Echo (Los Angeles, CA)
10.22.11 at Rickshaw Stop (San Francisco, CA)
10.24.11 at Mississippi Studios (Portland, OR)
10.25.11 at Sunset Tavern (Seattle, WA)
10.27.11 at Urban Lounge (Salt Lake City, UT)
10.28.11 at Hi Dive (Denver, CO)
10.30.11 at Slowdown (Omaha, NE)
[Website] Maria Taylor
[Facebook] Maria Taylor
[Count Me Out] Album Review: Maria Taylor - Overlook
[Count Me Out] Maria Taylor "Matador"
[Count Me Out] Maria Taylor "In A Bad Way"
Will have to download this. Anything on Saddle Creek is usually good stuff.