Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blogger Strikes Again

Welp, after nearly two and half years, 400,000 hits, and 3,000 or so posts, Blogger decided to delete my blog, Count Me Out. I understand that I may have posted a few "illegal" mp3s and have imposed on their copywrite infringement act, or whatever, but come on, seriously. It was maybe 20 posts out 3,000. All I'm trying to do here is help promote music that I like. Anyway, as much as I probably should despise/boycott Blogger right now, I'm having a heck of a time setting up a Wordpress page. Hopefully with starting this page, I can have things back up and running as soon as possible. I definitely don't want to be deleted again, so I might not post as many mp3s this time around, which I know is pretty lame. We'll see what happens though. Slowly, but surely this site will be put back together. If you care to continue and read, your patience is definitely appreciated. Thanks.


  1. Good to see you back. Hope you're able to make your way onto wordpress.

  2. i don't know. i tried and was getting too frustrated with it. couldn't get some formatting quite right and wasn't liking the css compared to html.

  3. When I clicked my "CMO" bookmark and 'The blog you were looking for was not found' showed up, I punched a fairly large hole in my computer screen and made a loud, disgruntled moan. Glad to see ya back, keep on keepin' on.

  4. thanks. yeah, i was pretty upset myself. i lost of crap load of info. i'm trying my best to manually re-upload posts, but it's taking forever, so don't know how far back i'll go.
