Brooke Waggoner has a new video for "Heal For The Honey," a tune off the latest release, Heal For The Honey, out via Swoon Moon Music. Check it out below, along with some upcoming tour dates.
[VIDEO] Brooke Waggoner - Heal For The Honey
Tour Dates
03.03.09 at The Square Room (Knoxville, TN)
03.17.09 at Lola's Stockyard (Ft. Worth, TX) *
03.19.09 at SXSW - Maggie Mae's Gibson Showroom (Austin, TX)
04.02.09 at 40 Watt Club (Athens, GA) ^#+
04.03.09 at Workplay Theatre (Birmingham, AL) ^#+
04.04.09 at The Parrish (New Orleans, LA) ^#+
04.05.09 at Java Jazz Coffee House (Houston, TX) ^#+
04.07.09 at Outland Ballroom (Springfield, MO) ^#+
04.08.09 at Off Broadway Nightclub (St. Louis, MO) ^#+
04.09.09 at Picador (Iowa City, IA) ^#+
04.10.09 at Turner Hall Ballroom (Milwaukee, WI) ^#+
04.11.09 at The Varsity Theater (Minneapolis, MN) ^#+
04.13.09 at The Canopy Club (Urbana, IL) ^#+
04.14.09 at Chubby Rain House of Tunes (Poplar Grove, IL) ^#+
04.15.09 at The Basement (Columbus, OH) ^#+
04.16.09 at Opera House Concert Venue (Toronto, ON) ^#+
04.18.09 at Mr. Smalls Theatre (Millvale, PA) ^#+
04.20.09 at Southpaw (Brooklyn, NY) ^#+
04.21.09 at Crocodile Rock Cafe (Allentown, PA) ^#+
04.22.09 at Crazy Donkey (Farmingdale, NY) ^#+
04.24.09 at Rock And Roll Hotel (Washington, DC) ^#+
04.25.09 at The Brewery (Raleigh, NC) ^#+
04.26.09 at Jewish Mother (Virginia Beach, VA) ^#+
04.28.09 at Greene Street Club (Greensboro, NC) ^#+
04.29.09 at Free Bird Cafe (Jacksonville, FL) ^#+
04.30.09 at Backbooth (Orlando, FL)
05.09.09 at Exit / In (Nashville, TN)
* w/ Cotton Jones
^ w/ Copeland
# w/ Paper Route
+ w/ This Providence
[Myspace] Brooke Waggoner
[Website] Brooke Waggoner
[Count Me Out] Video: Brooke Waggoner "Live For The Sounds"
[Count Me Out] Brooke Waggoner Announces Tour Dates
[Count Me Out] Album Review: Brooke Waggoner - Heal For The Honey
[Count Me Out] Brooke Waggoner on NPR's Mountain Stage
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